
1 - acel (achel)
2 - aryo
3 - adek
4 - agwen
5 - abic (abich)
6 - abusiel
7 - abiru
8 - abora
9 - abugwen
10 - apar
11 - aparacel
12 - apararyo
13 - aparadek
14 - aparagwen
15 - aparabic
16 - aparabusiel
17 - aparabiru
18 - aparabora
19 - aparabugwen
20 - pyeraryo

The numbers one (acel) to ten (apar) are the primary numbers and every other number is derived from them. Eleven to nineteen is apar (10) plus acel (1) to abugwen (9) e.g. 11 is 10+1 i.e. apar + acel which is aparacel and 15 is 10+5 i.e. apar + abic which is aparabic etc.

The numbers 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 are the "pyeru" numbers in Alur. So when pronouncing them you say 'pyeru" then the numbers 2 (aryo) to 9 (abugwen) e.g. 20 is pyeru + 2 (aryo) which is pyeraryo and 30 is pyeradek, 40 is pyerangwen, 50 is pyerabic etc. NOTE that when you pronounce or write the pyeru number extensions the "u" at the end is dropped e.g. NOT pyeruabic but pyerabic.

Every pyeru number has extensions 1 (acel) to 9 (abugwen). e.g. 22 is 20 (pyeraryo) + 2 (aryo) which is: pyeraryo wiy'aryo (22). NOTE that when pronouncing the number 22 you use the word "wiy" to join 20 and 2. The rule applies for all the nine pyeru numbers and their extensions. 

The numbers 100 (dakacel) to 900 (adak abugwen) are the "dak" numbers in Alur. So when pronouncing them you say "dak" then the numbers 1 (acel) to 9 (abugwen) e.g. 100 is dak + 1 (acel) which is dakacel and 200 is dakaryo, 300 is dakadek, 400 is dakagwen, 500 is dakabic, 600 is dakabusiel, 700 is dakabiru, 800 is dakabora and 900 is dakabugwen.
To extend dak numbers to accommodate other figures: e.g. 106 is dakacel (100) + abusiel (6) which is: dakacel kud abusiel (106), 101 is dakacel kud acel, 108 is dakacel kud abora etc. NOTE that the "kud" that's used to join the figures only applies when the extensions are the numbers 1 (acel) to 19 (aparabugwen) this is because of the "a" vowel (sound) at the beginning of the numbers when spoken.

If the extension is between the numbers 20 (peraryo) and 99 (pyerabugwen wiy'abugwen) the there's no need for the "kud" in joining the figures. e.g. 220 is 200 (dakaryo) + 20 (pyeraryo) which is: dakaryo'pyeraryo (220), 470 is dakagwen'pyerabiru, 890 is dakabora'pyerabugwen etc.

If the extensions include an extra figure at the end, you must use the extension rule for the pyeru numbers that we looked at above because all dak number extensions (except for those between 1 <acel> and 19 <aparabugwen>) are actually pyeru numbers! e.g. 221 is 200 (dakaryo) + 20 (pyeraryo) + 1 (acel) which is: dakaryo'pyeraryo wiy'acel. 658 is dakabusiel'pyerabic wiy'abora etc.

Coming soon!